This IS Exciting, I have been promoting Google, whether it be Android, Google+, Or Google Music Player, mostly because they have some great products, but also because the way they do business, Google, unlike most things that launch these days, just wants people just to use their stuff, instead of wanting people to buy their stuff, so they make Most of their products FREE, and screen shots from their upcoming Music player(Cloud based) service leaked over the weekend, hit the Jump for Details!!
The screen shots that leaked(via TecnoDroidVe) tell the story about FREE Music daily they will offer, amongst other things other details But, according to the Homie BGR, the real story is Google will launch their music player and store to all this week wednesday, the store will do things like Preview songs, a feature artists section and provide a similar artists feature, but keep in mind, they don’t have the same licenses that iTunes has, so they may not have the selection, FREE or PAID, you’d Hope for, But I assume, with the amount Of Android devices out there, they will get the support they need!!
IF you missed it, here is my review of the Player!