Congrats to Matt From the U.K. whom was 1st in Line, And you may or May Not have seen it Right Here on #IFWT or on youtube, the European release of Call of Duty, Hit The Jump to See Matt for yourself!!
So for about 2 days people were sitting in Line to be the 1st to spend their hard earned $ on their very own copy of Call Of Duty; Modern Warfare 3, because IF they got it eary, they didn’t have to buy it, it it doesn’t count cause it was a copy of the stolen copy, which I don’t believe will work properly on LIVE any way, So IF you’re really a Duty Head(No Pun), you Needed that OFFICIAL Copy, and Matt from the U.K. Not only got his 1st, he got the Hardened edition!!! So Congrats to You!!!
So 1st they ran up on Matt in the Middle of his purchase;
and he was in full Gear in clouding but Not limited to, the character “Ghost’s” Facemask, I believe a “Black Ops” Hat;
& I can’t Really tell what type of shirt have had on But If I know Matt(and I Don’t), it was something COD(maybe);
And as You can see they were already going to his purchase, which they said was the “Hardened Edition”, and word on the Street is, that is the Edition to HAVE!!!!;
And then they talk to the next Guy in Line, I didn’t catch his Name;
But We did catch the camping gear he had in order to be there:
Now We’ll see IF we can get the Goods on the US launch as well, but by that time it’s just 2nd -_-