I mean it’s definitely not on Everyone’s Page yet, I’ve only Been on Twitter since 2008, but I’m pretty sure I would have noticed at some point in that short time between then and Now, the Feature our @IFWTMusic sent me asking me when that got there, and I didn’t remember hearing about it, So I want your Opinion, so hit the Jump And get the Story!!
WZA on Google+
Ok so apparently You have a NEW Tab next to your mention called “Activity”, You’ll also see your Mentions say “Mentions and More”, And finally you’ll see a check box that says “Show Mentions Only”
Which If you Go through You Timeline like you normally do, you’ll see things like when someone Favorites your Tweets, And RT You:
OR When Someone Follows You:
And If you Check that Box, This things will disappear *Poof*:
And If You Actually Click on the ‘Activity’ tab, You’ll see a bunch of things like the ability to follow people Much Easier:
And Who your followers are Following, & who you’re following is following(getting complicated) so you may or may not Follow them:
And also I know this is NEW because My Page does Not Have this Option, I still have the Stupid RT Tab, But Alt leastI know It’s Coming:
By the Way @IFWTMusic is Available to help you promote your unsigned Music on #IFWT, So If you’re into music like that tweet them or got to gplus.to/IFWTMusic