Lawrence Brewer, who was executed on Wednesday, September 21 for the horrific murder of James Byrd, leaves behind the legacy of being the reason behind Texas’ decision to halt the years old tradition of granting a death row prisoner’s last meal wishes. Read the story after the jump and tell us what you think: should death row prisoner’s be fed their last meal of choice?

Wendy L.

The Daily Mail reports that the killer’s last meal request was so excessive that Houston State Senator John Whitmirewrote to the executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Division demanding that enough is enough — explaining: “The last meal request is an extremely inappropriate privilege, one which the perpetrator did not provide to their victim.”

The offending meal contained a whopping 3,500 calories and consisted of two chicken fried steaks, a triple bacon cheeseburger, a bowl of fried okra, a cheese omelette, barbeque, fajitas, pizza and peanut butter fudge with crushed peanuts.

Executive Director Brad Livingston agreed with Sen. Whitmire, saying:  “I believe Senator Whitmire’s concerns regarding the practice of allowing death row offenders to choose their last meal are valid.

“Effective immediately, no such accommodations will be made. They will receive the same meal served to other offenders on the unit.”

44-year-old Brewer, was put to death by lethal injection for his role in the infamous 1998 murder of Byrd in Jasper, East Texas.

Brewer and two other men were convicted of killing Mr. Byrd after luring him into their truck when they spotted him walking along a remote country road. They then beat 49-year-old Byrd unconscious and urinated upon him.

But the savagery didn’t end there. Byrd was bound to the vehicle by his ankles with a heavy logging chain and driven for three miles.

The brutal ordeal finally came to an end when the vicious henchmen hit  a concrete drainage channel, ripping the victim’s head and arm from his body.

John William King, 36, was also convicted of capital murder and sent to death row. His case remains under appeal. The third man, Shawn Berry, 36, received a life prison term.

The horrific torture killing apparently stirred the appetites of the three men, who went to a barbeque after dumping James’ body in an African-American cemetery.

In one of his final interviews, Brewer confessed that he participated in the assault on Mr. Byrd but had “nothing to do with the killing as far as dragging him or driving the truck or anything.”

He said that his execution would be a ‘good out’ and he’s ‘glad it’s about to come to an end’.

Brewer’s hedonistic final meal had hearkened back to the one enjoyed by Robert Harris, executed for the 1992 murders of two teenage boys. Harris feasted on a bucket of chicken, two large pizzas, a Pepsi six-pack, jellybeans and Camel cigarettes.

The Daily Mail lists some other infamous last meals:

GARY GILMORE (1977): Hamburgers, eggs, potatoes, coffee and whiskyHENRY PORTER (1985): Tortillas, steak, beans, tossed salad, jalapeno peppers, ice cream and chocolate cake

TED BUNDY (1989): Steak, eggs, toast, milk, coffee, juice, butter, jelly and hash browns

JAMES SMITH (1990): Yogurt [after asking for dirt]

TERESA LEWIS (2010): Fried chicken, sweet peas and German chocolate cake