The home of the “16 & Pregnant” family that was raided last night by child services was covered in dog and human feces. That is absolutely disgusting. How could you LIVE in that, let alone dare to keep a child there?! SMH find out who and read the disturbing details below.
Police executed a search warrant on the property after someone called the Department of Human Services, complaining about the living conditions in the house — and according to their report, “Every room inside the residence had human and dog feces on the floors, walls, and clothing.”
The report goes on in horrific detail: “The house was full of flies and in some areas, maggots” — and police claim they also found evidence of “synthetic marijuana.”
The “16 & Pregnant” couple’s daughter was taken away by DHS — and animal control even stepped in … rescuing three dogs in the house.
Josh Rendon and Ebony Jackson were booked on charges of endangering the welfare of a minor and drug possession.
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