There are many Batmobile replicas in the world, but only one of them is powered by a legitimate turbine engine. Casey Putsch is the proud owner and creator of that particular beast – a Keaton-era Batmobile powered by the same Boeing turboshaft engine found in the likes of a Navy drone helicopter. Now Putsch is putting his creation up for sale, and if you’re the ultimate Batman aficionado, you’ll need this machine in your collection. You’ll also need to be fabulously wealthy, as the vehicle carries a buy-it-now price of $620,000.
Typically, this is where we rattle off the number of lust-worthy exotics you could own for the same stack of cash, but we can’t quite bring ourselves to line this machine up against the rest of the motoring world. Maybe it’s nostalgia or the fact that the Putsch’s machine pegs the awesome meter in a way few other hand-built vehicles do. Besides, what figure would you put on a one-of-a-kind, U.S. Navy-powered crime-fighting apparatus?