A pediatrician who decorated his office with Disney characters and miniature amusement park rides has been convicted of abusing scores of young patients over more than a decade and will spend the rest of his life in prison. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.
Earl Bradley, 58, showed no emotion as a judge in Georgetown, Delaware, sentenced him on Friday to 14 life sentences for 14 counts of first-degree rape.
Bradley was also sentenced to 165 years for multiple counts of assault and continuous sexual exploitation of a child.
He was arrested in December 2009 after a two-year-old girl complained to her mother after an office visit that the doctor had hurt her.
Bradley recorded home-made videos of the abuse, said prosecutors.
They presented the judge with more than 13 hours of videos showing sex crimes against more than 80 victims, most of whom were toddlers, the Associated Press reports.
The case rocked the close-knit community of Lewes, a town of about 3,100 on the southern Delaware coast.
Families had to identify victims, and the scandal pitted some spouses against each other, and parents against grandparents.
Guilt over leaving children alone with Bradley lurked in the background for some.