An overprotective dad was sentenced to more than seven years in prison for hanging “dead or alive” wanted posters for his 20-year-old daughter’s boyfriend. hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

Domingos Jose Oliveira, 49, hung the posters around Grossmont College in El Cajon after his daughter brought home new beau Sean Kirk, 33. The posters offered a $3,000 bounty for the death of his daughter’s boyfriend.

Oliveira may have had reason for concern – Kirk is a registered sex offender who was convicted of committing “lewd and lascivious acts with a 14- or 15-year-old,” according to 10News.

“I think he was looking out for his daughter,” Oliveira’s lawyer, Michael Earle, told the TV station. “As most people, any father would. I mean what father wants his daughter dating a registered sex offender?”

Prosecutors said the protective father broke the law when he hung the signs, charging him with solicitation of murder in March. He was also charged with a hate crime and with making threats against his daughter, accusing him of scaring her and her boyfriend with a series of text messages and phone calls.

The charges carried a maximum 11 years in prison.

Despite the argument that Oliveira was just doing what any protective father would do, he was found guilty on two of the three charges last month.

The jury deadlocked on the third charge.