Singer/songwriter Terius Nash…better known as The Dream…will be giving the fans some new music at the end of this month and the best news? It will be free! He explained about the album as well as the album he’s working on for Def Jam, the names of both and exact dates via Twitter. FInd out details after the jump.

Marisa Mendez

” LP4 is Underway I THE-DREAM have decided to go forward with “Diary Of A Madman” LP it almost didnt happen. So ill be in my Def Jam uniform for at least one More Season! Also a free 10 song Internet album will be released by Aug 31st. LP 4 because of the contract negotiations does not have a date but it will be released 4th quarter but i will give a 10 song Internet LP while you guys wait!!!! LOVE YOU. The Internet LP is entitled ‘1977′ and will be released under my real name Terius Nash not The-Dream. Shooting Videos for 1977 all this week. The “TERIUS NASH EST. 1977″ is very personal and to my Fans!”

Will you be copping 1977 when it drops??