The new boss of the Gambino Family once ruled by the late John Gotti is Sicilian-born gangster Domenico Cefalu, an ex-con who lives with his mother. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

Sources say Cefalu, 64, has taken the reins of the Gambino crime family – a move that marks a stunning break with the late John Gotti’s infamous era.

“I think they picked a Sicilian because they’re tired of the old, fat, lazy American Italians who turn into rats,” said a law enforcement source.

Cefalu’s ascension, first reported by the Gang Land News website, comes at a sensitive time for the crime family – but even more so for the convicted felon. Two fellow gangsters on the family’s ruling panel – Bartolemeo (Baboots) Vernace and Daniel Marino – are in jail, leaving Cefalu as the lone made man standing.

Cefalu is also still on supervised release for a 2008 extortion conviction and was warned at his sentencing by Federal Judge Jack Weinstein not to associate with any mobsters.

Cefalu is a low-key wiseguy who couldn’t be more different than the flamboyant Gotti.

He lives with his mother in Bensonhurst and says he’s a salesman for a baking supply company. He’s also served time for a heroin conviction and for refusing to answer questions before a grand jury about his then-captain Pasquale Conte.

Lewis Kasman, the late Gotti’s so-called “adopted son,” disputed the opinions of law enforcement experts who say Gotti hated Sicilian mobsters.

“I think John was not a fan of [Cefalu] because of his involvement with narcotics,” Kasman told the Daily News.

“John always said the Sicilians did the best work.”