The death toll in the Oslo bombing and shooting spree after has now reached 92 people. Governement officials are stated that people are still missing and the death toll can rise. Police also said that the bomber purchased fertiziler before hand and there have been eye witness reports of a second shooter. Read more after the jump.


The Norwegian man suspected in a bombing and shooting spree that killed at least 92 people bought six tons of fertilizer before the massacre, the supplier said Saturday as police investigated witness accounts of a second shooter.

Norway’s royal family and prime minister led the nation in mourning, visiting grieving relatives of the scores of youth gunned down at an island retreat, as the shell-shocked Nordic nation was gripped by reports that the gunman may not have acted alone.

Downtown Oslo was a sea of roadblocks Saturday, with groups of people peering over the barricades wherever they sprang up. But evacuations of an area of the city just blocks from the bombing site Saturday evening were quickly halted.

The shooting spree began just hours after a massive explosion that ripped through an Oslo high-rise building housing the prime minister’s office. At least 92 people have been killed, but police say more are missing.

The suspect in custody was identified by Norway’s national broadcaster as Anders Behring Breivik, 32; police would not confirm his identity because he has not been formally charged.
