Two cops shot and injured two other officers during an arrest of a suspected child porn perv outside a late-night screening of the new Harry Potter movie. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

Plainville, Conn., police Sgt. Timothy Mullaney and Cpl. Jon Eno confronted Eric Gothberg, 45, as he was leaving an AMC Loews movie theatre at around 2 a.m. Saturday, cops said.

Gothberg was wanted on child pornography charges. He was heading to his car after watching a midnight showing of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2,” WTNH television reported.

The suspected perv resisted arrest, police said, and the officers opened fire after he made “sudden movements” and reached for his waistband.

Just as they started shooting, two more officers, Clifford J. Roper and David Slater, were arriving on the scene in a police cruiser.

Roper was shot in the forearm, while Slater was hit with shards of shattering glass after a bullet hit the windshield.

Gothberg, who was unarmed, was also shot in the foot.

The officers and the suspect were treated at separate hospitals in Hartford. The cops were released on Saturday, while Gothberg was arrested at the hospital.

He was being held on $500,000 bond.