Former News International chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, was arrested on Sunday due to her involvement in the phone hacking scandal. Brooks, who is 43, is the 10th person to be arrested in the scandal and is facing charges of corruption and phone hacking. Brooks released a statement saying that she had an arrangement with police and the arrest was simply a pre-arranged appointment. Read more about her arrest after the jump.


Rebekah Brooks has been arrested, the Metropolitan Police confirmed on Sunday.

The former News International chief executive went to a London police station by appointment and was arrested on suspicion of corruption and phone hacking.

Brooks is the 10th person to be arrested in connection to the new investigation into allegations of phone hacking at the News of the World.

In a statement, police said: “The MPS has this afternoon, Sunday 17 July, arrested a female in connection with allegations of corruption and phone hacking.

“At approximately 12.00 hrs a 43-year-old woman was arrested by appointment at a London police station by officers from Operation Weeting together with officers from Operation Elveden and is currently in custody.

“She was arrested on suspicion of conspiring to intercept communications, contrary to Section1(1) Criminal Law Act 1977 and on suspicion of corruption allegations contrary to Section 1 of the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906.

“The Operation Weeting team is conducting the new investigation into phone hacking.
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“Operation Elveden is the investigation into allegations of inappropriate payments to police. This investigation is being supervised by the IPCC.

“It would be inappropriate to discuss any further details regarding these cases at this time.”

Brooks is due to appear before Parliament’s Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Tuesday afternoon. The Chairman of that committee, John Whittingdale, says he doesn’t know at this stage how the arrest of Mrs. Brooks will affect her planned evidence.

Media lawyer Mark Stephens said police were trying to get a grip on the scandal. He told Sky News: “I think the police are trying to move pretty quickly… One of those areas of concern is the suggestion that officers at all levels may have been the subject of receiving money as Rebekah Brooks told parliament when she last appeared before them.”

Rebekah Brooks has released a statement saying she is assisting police with her inquiries, and this was a pre-arranged appointment.
