Last night, the actor’s attempt at Method acting for his new cop flick took a frightening turn as his ride-along with the LAPD landed him at the scene of a gang shooting. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.
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First the Icelandic wilderness and now a wild gang shootout? Jake Gyllenhaal sure is living on the edge.

The hunky actor, playing a cop in his latest film, End of Watch, was at an antigang rally when gunfire broke out, leaving an alleged gang-banger wounded by a rival clan.

Gyllenhaal and costar Michael Pena, who play two police officers in a long-term friendship, had been doing some real-life research for the roles, shadowing cops on patrol overnight.

They wound up getting too close for comfort when the officers they were with took the pair to the Summer Night Lights event in South Los Angeles—a program supposed to reduce gang violence by keeping public parks open late and offering food and activities, per Los Angeles officials.

The actors were at the scene in Van Ness Park when the shooting occurred around 11:30 p.m., according to LAPD Sgt. Angela McGee.

The victim was hospitalized in stable condition with graze wounds to his lip and arm.

End of Watch is slated to hit theaters in 2013. With all this front-row action for Jake, we’re expecting nothing less than an Oscar nomination.