Casey Anthony’s legal woes aren’t over yet. The 25-year-old Anthony was served behind bars with a lawsuit demanding the return of $100,000 spent on a massive 2008 manhunt for her slain daughter Caylee. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

The non-profit group Texas EquuSearch filed the suit Wednesday, charging Anthony duped them into conducting the fruitless hunt despite knowing the 2-year-old was already dead.

“Casey Anthony knew that her apparent ‘cooperation’ with the massive searches coordinated by TES created an appearance that she was a victim of law enforcement’s unjust investigation and that she was a concerned mother seeking her missing child’s return,” the suit said.

While a Florida jury acquitted Anthony of killing the little girl last week, defense lawyer Jose Baez told the jury that his client knew Caylee had drowned in the family’s backyard pool on June 16, 2008.

According to the lawsuit, the group rejected appeals for help from 15 other families to devote its resources toward finding Caylee.

Anthony, convicted of lying to investigators in the murder case, is due to walk out of prison on Sunday.

An attorney whose client is suing Anthony for defamation wants to interview Anthony before her release – or get an agreement for a July 19 deposition.

The emergency motion is linked to the 2008 lawsuit brought by Zenaida Gonzalez, who claims she was held up to public ridicule after Anthony told authorities that Caylee was kidnapped by a woman with the same name.

Lawyer John Morgan wants Anthony held in contempt of court if she skips out on the deposition. He says the session will be closed to the public and the press.