Casey Anthony is about to walk free (still can’t believe that, SMH), but her mom isn’t guaranteed the same fate. The State Attorney’s Office is currently determining whether or not they will charge Cindy Anthony with perjury. Details after the jump.

Marisa Mendez

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings spoke on Tuesday in a press conference next to a large picture of Caylee. “We’ve had discussion with the State Attorney’s Office…they will make a determination about [perjury charges] in the near future,” the sheriff said about Cindy Anthony being charged with perjury for her testimony during her daughter’s trial, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Prosecutors in the case against Casey, 25, had expert witnesses testify about the number of times the words chloroform, neck breaking and other violent terms were searched in March of 2008, three months before Caylee died. They claimed that the searches were made during the afternoon by Casey, but Cindy took the stand and said she may have made the searches herself for chloroform accidentally while she was searching for chlorophyll and made the searches for neck breaking while seeking information about a skate boarding accident.

Cindy’s testimony shocked the courtroom, and prosecutor Linda Drane Burdick had two of Cindy’s former supervisors testify that according to computer records she was in fact working at the time she claimed she was home searching for the terms.