Arnold Schwarzenegger initially committed to the film before his cheating and illegitimate son scandal rocked the world, but the allegory presented by “The Last Stand,” whether by sick fate or sheer coincidence, matches the former governor’s current situation like a shadow. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.


Deadline reports that Schwarzenegger has re-committed to the film, which will be the first English feature by director Kim-ji-Woon. A Lionsgate executive told Deadline that, “It’s an old-fashioned Western specifically designed for a 63-year-old broken-down guy with a moral decision whether Arnold decides to stand up for his town.”

Schwarzenegger, in real life, is certainly hobbled and faced with moral conundrums, which should add a dash of buzz to the film — and the interviews to promote it that are sure to come.

Understandably, Schwarzenegger’s career has taken a huge hit since the scandal broke, dashing his plans to return to prominence after his time in Sacramento, both in the flesh and animated. He teamed up with Marvel Comics legend Stan Lee to create a superhero based on his nickname while in office, “The Governator.” That project got put on hold thanks to the scandal.

In fact, Schwarzenegger was juggling a number of offers; allegedly amongst them was “With Wings As Eagles,” the story of a kindhearted Nazi soldier who helps rescue kids, against orders from his superiors.

“In the future I have to adapt my roles to my age,” he told an Austrian newspaper earlier in the year. “Clint Eastwood also has done it in the same way. Extreme fighting or shooting is not possible anymore. I want to be more encouraged as an actor and I believe that I can manage this challenge. I am like a sponge, which is absorbing all the knowledge and always be willing to learn all new things.”