A study done by the GHSA (Governors Highway Safety Association) has discovered that cellphones and other gadgets can have an affect on car crashes.  The study says almost 25% of U.S. car accidents are cellphone or gadgets related, sighting that drivers are distracted by the gadgets.

@Yungjohnnybravo @TatWZA

Using a Grant from State Farm, The GHSA has produced a report called Distracted Driving: What Research Show and What States Can Do, and the report looks into the main distractions drivers face when driving.  Among the main distractions drivers face is on talking on cell phones, which is not a surprise.  As drivers we all know that driving and talking on the phone is not only illegal in some states but also dangerous.


From the report:

  • Laws banning hand-held cellphone use reduced use by about half when they were first implemented. Hand-held cellphone use increased subsequently but the laws appear to have had some long-term effect.
  • A high-visibility cellphone and texting law enforcement campaign reduced cellphone use immediately after the campaign. Longer term effects are not yet known.
  • There is no evidence that cellphone or texting bans have reduced crashes.

Still, the GHSA encourages states to pass more bans of driving while texting and while talking on cellphones — hands-free or not.

How often do you find yourself engaged with an iPod, cellphone or an in-dash GPS while driving? Let us know