A man has been arrested for breaking into and trashing the studio where the David Letterman show is taped. And according to police, he was drunk! Read more details and see the damage after the jump!!


(DailyMail)–James Whittemore, 22, from Manhattan, was arrested on burglary and criminal mischief charges after he allegedly broke into the Ed Sullivan theatre at 7am this morning.

A metal bar on the glass doors at the Broadway entrance to the theatre was pried open and the glass was smashed.

Trash cans and the stanchions for velvet ropes inside the lobby were knocked over. The vestibule was also reportedly damaged.

The studio to the David Letterman show set is padlocked, so the person wasn’t able to get inside.

CBS and Worldwide Pants said the show’s set was undamaged and that the show would be taping as usual on Monday.

Police say Whittemore has no connection to the show and had a large gash on his head from the broken glass.

Read full story at CBS.