With Planking taking over on social networking sites, it was in due time something else would  come along to try and steal Plankings shine, and we have a contestant. Cone-ing seems a bit over board, it may leave you with less change in your pocket and with sticky hands.
Cone-ing seems to be a follow up to planking, if  you have been living under a social network rock planking is the trend were people take a pic of themselves laying themselves in random places. Now youtube/video comedian Alki Steven is now attempting to make cone-ing the new trend this summer.  Now from what I get from the video is cone-ing  is driving up to a fast food restaurant ordering an ice cream cone then grabbing the ice cream itself and not the cone.  As of right now Alki may have some steam, his youtube video of cone-ing has 3 million views in 1 month. Lets see if this catches on like planking did.