The month long trial of Casey for the first-degree murder of her daughter Caylee Marie in 2008 has had many shocking testimonies, but Casey herself has not taken the stand. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.


The Casey Anthony trial may be coming to an end soon, as her defense attorney told the judge that they may be wrapping up their case on Thursday. The month long trial of Casey for the first-degree murder of her daughter Caylee Marie in 2008 has had many shocking testimonies, but Casey herself has not taken the stand.

“I certainly think we will accomplish that tomorrow,” Jose Baez told the judge after he was asked when he is going to rest their case. The prosecution will then present rebuttal witnesses and closing arguments will be presented before the jury begins deliberations. The judge said they may be working all weekend, including the Monday 4th of July holiday.

On Wednesday Casey’s father George Anthony sobbed on the witness stand as he recalled that the family held out hope that Caylee would be found alive in 2008.

“Every day from July 15 [2008] until the day we were told it was Caylee,” George said and then burst into tears, sobbing on the stand. Casey showed no emotion as her father was crying and just stared at him.

“No, I need to get through this,” George said as he cried when the judge asked if he needed a break.

Meter reader Roy Krunk’s son testified that his father had called him before Caylee’s remains were discovered. Brandon Sparks said his father told him in November “he knew where the remains were.”

Brandon said he thought his father’s story was “far-fetched,” but he realized that when the remains were found on December 11, 2008 his story was relevant. He said his father told him he was going to be rich and famous but not that he had taken the skull from the scene.

A Florida State University grief expert testified that while she never treated Casey, different people respond in different ways to grief. When questioned by the prosecution about a hypothetical situation identical to Casey Anthony’s she said: “I would agree that that’s a young woman in crisis who is unable to figure out how to make things better. I think that we need to get her some help…I would call that more magical thinking.”

The prosecution claims that Casey murdered her daughter Caylee Marie on June 16, 2008 and lied about it for months. Her defense team says Caylee accidentally drowned in the family pool and Casey’s father George helped her cover up the child’s death. If she is convicted of first degree murder she may be facing the death penalty.