The next installment in the Transformers franchise is set to hit theaters on Tuesday, June 28. Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon will continue the trend of providing a massive stage on which to showcase General Motors vehicles. One of those vehicles in the Michael Bay explosion-fest is a yellow Chevrolet Camaro that goes by the name Bumblebee, and the banana-and-black Autobot is set to spawn a special edition automobile that fans can put in their driveway.


It’s called the 2012 Transformers Special Edition Camaro, and you can order one starting in July. If you do so, your Bumblebee decoy will arrive on dealer lots sometime this fall. The Transformers Camaro wears Autobot badges on the fenders, black stripes down the hood, roof and tail, a Bumblebee-specific rear spoiler and blacked-out 20-inch alloys sporting Autobot-logo center caps. Dealers will also be able to offer and install a ground-effects package and a set of 21-inch wheels so that customers can more closely mimic the on-screen Camaro.

The interior of the 2012 Transformers Special Edition Camaro also gets unique accents. Black leather surfaces are contrasted with yellow stitching, while Autobot logos can be seen on the headrests and center console lid.

Interested in picking one up? You’ll have to start with either a 2LT or 2SS Camaro that’s already wearing the RS appearance package. Tack on another $3,000, and you can drive like Shia Labeouf every day.