Controversial British filmmaker Nick Broomfield has put together a documentary to unveil the ‘real’ Sarah Palin and has quietly interviewed her parents, friends and disgruntled ex-colleagues to get a look at her rise to fame. Check out the sneak peak after the jump & tell us what you think– should she be scared??


(Radar)–Due to Broomfield’s infamous muckraking, the former Alaska governor should be prepared for a much more damning documentary than Undefeated – a pro Palin film – which makes it’s world premiere on June 29, 2011.

In the 1 minute clip below, Palin’s former legislative director, John Bitney and senate president, Lyda Green blast her for her “amateur behavior” during important meetings, in which they say she did not listen, but continually text messaged.

Bloomfield is preparing to shop the movie around in Los Angeles next week and it could even get a premiere at the Toronto Film Festival in September.

He has made a number of controversial documentaries in the past including Kurt & Courtney which questioned Kurt Cobain’s suicide and hinted at murder and he is famous for his unorthodox style and ability to access usually unreachable subjects.