Over the past couple of years Google has experimented with several ideas and concepts, one idea they are planning on doing is getting rid of the “I’m feeling lucky button. Personally I have used google everyday and never thought to use the lucky button But the thought that the company might cease to ride its luck is surely a difficult day for those with feelings and memory. After all the “I’m feeling lucky” button is apart of the Google search engine brand.

@yungjohnnybravo @tatwza

Spotted in Finland the Google search page for the first time did not have that option of feeling lucky, so maybe Google is testing the waters as they always do to see the reaction of the people to see if they care about the option or not. Steven Levy’s book, “In The Plex,” describes how the button “was first created as an expression of Google’s supreme confidence that its search results–just one search result–would be superior to that of any other engine”.  Maybe Google is getting rid of the Lucky button because well no one is feeling lucky anymore.

Google’s Marissa Maye said “You know Larry and Sergey had the view, and I certainly share it, that it’s possible just to become too dry, too corporate, too much about making money. And you know what I think is really delightful about Google and about the ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’, is that they remind you that the people here have personality and that they have interests and that there is real people.”