There’s something about the sun and pollen swirling in the air that triggers our urge to roll around in the grass with a special gal or guy. OKAY, If you’re not into nature then you simply have the urge to get close to someone, be intimate and get down and dirty. Here are some tips on landing your summer squeeze!

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You have to go places to meet new people! That’s a given. Check out upcoming events in the area. There are tons of festivals going on this time of year. Parades, block parties, cookouts and not to mention the beach! You could even round up your buddies and head out to an amusement park. Don’t forget about neighborhood parks…if you normally take your morning jog at the gym, switch it up a little during the summer. You might run across a nice little lady or guy on your new adventure!

Yeah, I’ts nice to go out with your crew all the time, but sometimes they inhibit us from exploring new people. If you’re bold enough, head out by yourself a few times this summer. You’d be surprised how much more approachable you will appear without the presence of the homies. Not to mention our friends do sometimes bring the ‘cock-blockery’ such as constant interruption when meeting a new gal or guy or simply hitting on the person you’re hitting it off with. Deflect all these distractions by going it alone!

So leave all that uptight-ness in the past winter months. It’s too hot outside, the sun is shining and skin is glistening! You should be taking an extra inch of the length of that skirt and wearing those flirty sundresses that show all the curves! Guys, don’t be afraid to show some extra skin as well! Throw on those tanks and capris for the summer. Relax your look a little!

In the fall and winter months, hitting up the local happy hour seems like an unnecessary added step on the ‘going home’ process. But not in the summer! You’ll become a fan of the ‘happy hour movement’ when you realize that EVERYONE is doing it. If you’re not already frequenting a few bars and lounges for those summer drink specials, mark it down on your calendars. This is a great way to meet new people and capitalize on the short and sweet summer months.


It’s not too late to tone up for the revealing summer months.  A quick run and some weight lifting can make all the difference in the way that tank drapes over your shoulders.  TRUST ME!  Take the time to get a few reps in at the gym.  If you don’t belong to a gym, grab yourself some weights and get it in at home.  You’ll bring more attention to yourself and boost your confidence which as I always say is the BEST accessory!


All of these tips will have been in vein if you go out sayyyy with a three month old hair cut/do.  Or if you forget to wash that morning crust out of your eye.  GROOM THY SELF!!!  Get those nails cleaned up and ladies get those toes DONE!  Guys: women are always looking at hands.  Ladies:  guys are always looking at your feet!  Bottom line…look your best!

Hope that was helpful!