A game of Russian roulette with a dog ended when a College Street man put a bullet in his own head. Russell Little was pronounced dead at Memorial Hospital late Tuesday following the self-inflicted gunshot wound. Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.

Funk Flex

A game of Russian roulette with a dog ended when a College Street man put a bullet in his own head. Russell Little was pronounced dead at Memorial Hospital late Tuesday following the self-inflicted gunshot wound in the backyard of his home in the 1600 block of North College Street. Little’s wife told police he was sitting in the backyard depressed and drinking moonshine when he took a handgun and began playing Russian roulette with the pet dog at about 9 p.m. After a couple of empty clicks aimed at the dogs head, “She said he got tired of that, then put the gun to his own head and pulled the trigger,” said Capt. Jim Andrews of the South Bend Police Department.