This story is so crazy! A woman from Indiana created a fake Facebook page imitating a teenage girl to talk to her ex-husband. The woman was hoping to talk to her ex to get some dirt on him to speed up their divorce case, well she did find some dirt but not the kind she wanted to. The ex-husband told the “teen” that he had plans to kill his ex-wife! Hit the jump to read more details.

@Julie1205 @Tatwza

Angela Voelkert thought she could get a little dirt on her husband using a fake Facebook profile. She uncovered something far more sinister, say authorities.

The 29-year-old Indiana woman created a faux Facebook account that appeared to belong to a teenage girl. Using the profile, she began conversing with her soon-to-be ex-husband, who seemed more than ready to put an end to an already messy divorce. According to the New York Post, David, 38, allegedly confessed through Facebook that he had not only planted a GPS tracking device on his wife’s van, but was using it to pinpoint the perfect location where he would have her killed.

“I am going to find someone to take care of her and now it will be easier because I know where she is at all times,” he allegedly wrote.

He reportedly asked the “girl” on Facebook if she knew any “gang-bangers” at her school that would do the job for $10,000, according to the Post.

Fox News reported that the identity of the girl Voelkert used for the profile picture, and from where she obtained the the photo, is unknown.

“Once she is gone, I don’t have to hide with my kids,” Voelkert’s husband wrote, according to court papers. “I can do what I want and not have to worry about not seeing my family anymore. You should find someone at your school. There should be some gang-bangers there that would put a cap in her ass for $10,000. I am done with her crap!”

This is the second murder attempt that seems to have been uncovered using Facebook in the past two days.
