Elizabeth Hunt, 47, was arrested Thursday and faces several drug charges after she allegedly sold marijuana with the purchase of any sandwich that required “extra meat.” Hit the jump to read the rest of the story.


A South Florida sandwich maker is accused of helping some customers eat and smoke fresh. Elizabeth Hunt, 47, was arrested Thursday and faces several drug charges after she allegedly sold marijuana with the purchase of any sandwich that required “extra meat,” St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office said. “Extra meat” was code word for a bag of weed, investigators claimed. Customers wanting a little extra green on the side would place $10 in the tip jar and Hunt would slip the weed in the sandwich bag, a police report said. Undercover cops used the code word twice last month and each time came away with a footlong and some drugs. Hunt is being held on $55,000 bond. It was unclear if she had an attorney Friday. A call to Subway was not returned.

First of all, “eat and smoke fresh”? “Customers wanting a little extra green on the side”? Writing jokey bullshit about this bitch’s secret Subway weed operation is my job, NBC. You cheapen what I do. Which brings me to my second point: weed costs $10? What kind of dirty brown brick-packed Mexican gangster blood-soaked trees was she selling? Little 12 year-old Cholos with 2Pac stomach tats of uzis getting gunned down in the Tijuana streets like Justin Bieber in CSI just so some Florida 40something can sell cheap drugs out of a sandwich chain? Sad world we live in. I mean I guess there’s a certain convenience with having your weed dealer also be your sweet onion teriyaki dealer, but there has to be other choices.

And what if you really wanted extra meat? Too many holes in this operation.