While in Boston, MA Sarah Palin retold the story of Paul Revere, only she told it wrong! Paul Revere wasn’t a huge impact on American history but he did play a role in it. Call me crazy but I personally think that anyone running for president of a country should know it’s history especially a story that has been taught and told for years. Find out the story of Paul Revere’s ride and what Palin said after the jump.


Sarah Palin apparently flubbed details of Paul Revere’s famous midnight ride when she visited Boston yesterday.

The former Alaska governor, who may or may not be running for the GOP presidential nomination, thought Revere was warning the British army during the Revolutionary War.

Here’s the transcript, from New York magazine, of what she told reporters who were trailing her on her bus tour of historical sites:

He who warned, uh, the … the British that they weren’t gonna be takin’ away our arms, uh, by ringin’ those bells and, um, by makin’ sure that as he’s ridin’ his horse through town to send those warnin’ shots and bells that, uh, we were gonna be secure and we were gonna be free … and we were gonna be armed.

Revere was, in fact, riding from Boston to Lexington to warn John Hancock and Samuel Adams of the approaching British army.

The blogosphere is having a field day with this one. ThinkProgress is panning Palin’s description of this historic event. Mediaite spotlighted this for folks.

Palin doesn’t make mention of her Revere account on the travel blog on her Sarah PAC website. She posted pictures of the Old North Church, Paul Revere’s house and Bunker Hill.
