Most pimps try to play the genuinely caring role in the beginning.  They try ultra hard to appear sincere and respectful all in an effort to get the panties LOL.  These guys are hard to spot because they normally have run this same tired routine on a plethora of women.  But we’re too smart for that, right?!  Find out how to spot the pimps after the jump!


Premature OVER-Texting: If the guy you just linked up with is texting you non stop throughout the day, he’s either desperate or a PIMP! The texts will ask you how your day is going…he might hit you with the ‘GM’ or ‘GN’ text all in an effort to build quick and false intimacy through these kinds of sweet texts so he can get you into the sack! On the other hand, if you have been dating a guy for a while and you know each other well, these types of texts are OK.

Last Minute Plans: PIMPS call or text you to make last minute plans. Their reasoning usually seems innocent — he will have to work this weekend so he wants to get dinner tonight or he feels spontaneous and wants to have a drink with you right now. Blah, blah blah! If you were a priority in his life, he would make time for you in his busy schedule! Chances are, you are ONE OF MANY! DO NOT under any circumstances change your plans to meet up with him!! If you do take him up on his last minute plans, do not go home with him unless you too are only interested in causal sex.

Weeknight Dates: If he invites you out for a date on a weeknight, that does not mean he is a player. However, if your first three dates all took place on Thursday night, there is a good chance he is a player. Come one girls. Date time is the WEEKENDS. Only after you’ve been with a guy for a while, do weekday dates become frequent. Best believe that those precious weekend hours are going to someone else. You have filled a slot in his schedule and become his “Thursday girl.” Do not think he doesn’t have a different girl for every day of the week. Try scheduling a date on a weekend and see how he responds.

Sex: A player starts pressuring you for sex from day one. If he tries you and you feel uncomfortable, tell him you want to wait until you know each other better. What am I saying? That’s being way too nice! If a guy is pressuring you for sex in the very beginning RUN!!! Not only is he a player but he doesn’t even respect you enough to finesse you out of your panties. NEXT! He is a PIMP and a bad one at that! He might try and hit you with “I’m so incredibly drawn to you.” or “You turn him on like nobody else.” That is sexual pressure. When it comes to sex, the player also refuses to get an STD test before becoming intimate with you, claiming that he is not sleeping with anyone else. If he was not sleeping with anyone else, he would not be worried about that test revealing an STD.

Disappearing Act: Players text you constantly then suddenly stop. They also stop calling, answering your calls or returning your texts, and then pop back up in your life after a few days without an explanation, acting as if nothing is out of ordinary. Be especially careful of men who do this on the weekends. During his disappearing act, he has been constantly texting, wooing and dating other women.

There you have it gals! Don’t say I never told you!