Yesterday J. Cole took to Ustream to address why his single, that he promised would have debuted this week, has been taking so long and to give restless fans a little more info about his long awaited album. Cole also says fans could expect more than just one album! Read some quotes from the Ustream or watch it if you missed it after the jump.


“I sampled a Kanye West song, but the problem is, [there’s] like five writers that he gave credit to,” Cole explained during a Ustream session. “When you’re clearing a sample, every writer has to be contacted. So you have to contact each and every one of them and get it cleared, so it’s tougher than the average one. As soon as it clears, we’re puttin’ it out.”

He originally hoped to release it in time for Memorial Day weekend. “It’s perfect for the summer. It’s beautiful,” he shared. “I can’t wait till ya’ll hear it and then hear the sample and the original and how I did it. I don’t feel like nobody would’ve thought to flip it like that or even would’ve heard that part.”

Cole’s as-yet-untitled album, which will include 14 or 15 tracks, has been completed and will feature a song with his Roc Nation boss and mentor Jay-Z. “I did the song for Jay—finally, finally, finally. It’s fucking crazy.”

While his debut hasn’t even hit stores, he’s close to wrapping album number two. “[I’m] probably about 70% [done with] the second album. I’m tryna drop two in a year. I’m tryna come back maybe eight, nine months after,” he said.

He hopes to drop another mixtape in the summer and sees gold gramophones in the near future. “I’m tryna win that Grammy, tryna pull some Lauryn Hill shit”


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