For weeks maybe even months the #1 app in Apples appstore has been “Angry Birds”. However in the last 2 days Angry Birds has seem its title taken away from them. Who now has the #1 app? Find out after the jump!!
The new reigning king of the apps now belongs to “The Heist”. With 86k apps sold the the first day and the same amount sold on the 2nd it doesn’t seem that The Heist has any plans on giving up the #1 spot. If you are a mac user you maybe familiar with the game itself as it was bundled with OS X software bundle as “Macheist”. The Heist is puzzle game in which the players rob banks and casinos by breaking in vaults and figuring out combinations on locks. Currently “The Heist” app is available for .99 cents.
Heres a look at the game…..