Chelsea Handler has written three books about her life, one of which is becoming a TV series, so certainly she’s very open about her past and doesn’t hold back on anything. Handler rose to fame because her sometimes brutal honesty and in a new article Chelsea makes an interesting confession about something major that happened when she was 16. Check out what it is after the jump & check out Chelsea in a bikini if you’re into her that way or just curious to see what 50 Cent was working with.


“I had an abortion when I was 16. Because that’s what I should have done,” Handler revealed. “Otherwise I would now have a 20-year-old kid. Anyway, those are things that people shouldn’t be dishonest about it. People are too P.C.,” she said. “We need to be focusing on other things. We’re seeking out such grossness in human behavior and want such mindless entertainment. ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ and some of these other shows are more racist. Or ’16 and Pregnant.’ Getting rewarded for being pregnant when you’re a teenager? Are you serious? I mean, that makes me want to kill somebody.”
