The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) launched its summer campaign against child abuse with an ad some describe as too graphic. The video shows a young boy being punched, kicked, and slapped while he recites the ISPCC’s “children’s manifesto”. At the end, he tells the viewer that he “can’t wait to grow up.” Read more after the jump and at your own discretion, watch the ad and tell us if you think they took it too far.
(HP)–Some are calling the video too extreme to be viewed. Psychologist Owen Connolly told Ireland’s Evening Herald:
“It is horrific — it turned my stomach,” he said. “The child is so innocent looking and we’re not seeing the aggressive male, we’re seeing the hurt child… It will provoke all kinds of trauma. It shouldn’t be allowed to be broadcast.”
The ISPCC disagrees. Lloyd Byrne, the organization’s finance director, told the Irish Times that its imagery may move people to action as it accurately depicts what many children experience worldwide.
“We haven’t plucked this image out of the sky,” he said. “Child abuse is shocking; it is not nice to hear or see, but it takes place.”