According to the BBC protests in London have started to turn violent and police has been called in to break it up. The protests began after supporter held a fake funeral for Osama bin Laden and people against it began to protest. Op posers of the funeral reportedly started chanting “USA, USA” as the supporter began to pray. The mock funeral was arranged my Muslim extremist, Anjem Choudary. Read more after the jump.


Supporters held a “funeral service” for Bin Laden after his killing by US special forces in Pakistan on Monday.

EDL members chanted “USA, USA” as the Bin Laden group knelt to pray for the dead leader of al-Qaeda.

Police intervened after threats of violence from both sides, although no arrests have been reported.

At one point an EDL member was reported to have slipped through police lines to reveal an effigy of Bin Laden.

Angry protesters taunted each other with chants of “USA, burn in hell” and “Obama, burn in hell”.
Heightened alert

An ambulance was called to the scene after reports that one of the protesters had been attacked.

The pro-Bin Laden event in Grosvenor Square was organised by the prominent Islamist militant Anjem Choudary.

He has already warned of another 7/7-style terror attack following Bin Laden’s death.

The UK and US have put their embassies, diplomatic missions and military bases on heightened alert since Bin Laden was killed.

A statement attributed to al-Qaeda and posted on jihadist internet forums has confirmed the death of Bin Laden.

The killing of Bin Laden at his compound in the town of Abbottabad prompted several protest rallies in Pakistan on Friday.