If you’re on Twitter at all this morning, you might notice 3 folks on the trending topics: Joe Budden, Esther Baxter and Tahiry. If you don’t know what’s going on, let me clue you in. Take it back a little…we all know Joe Budden is a rapper with a thing for some fineee women. He and Tahiry dated for 5 years and it ultimately ended in a messy, public breakup…being that she’d since became a public figure/model after appearing on many of Joe’s video blogs. They went back and forth on Twitter, songs were made, slander was hashed out…and then Joe started dating video model Esther Baxter. For a while it seemed like a perfect relationship but apparently all good things (or not so good things if you let Joe tell it) must come to an end and now the world is watching as it does so. Read on for details.
Last night, Joe released the third song in his very personal song series “Ordinary Love Shit.” No holds are barred in these tracks, as he openly talks about every gritty detail of his relationships. This specific one last night not only details Esther’s miscarriages, but names names of who else in the “industry” she was cheating with (Lyfe Jennings and football player Derrick Ward)!! He went ALL THE WAY. Esther was asleep last night as the track hit the net and spread like wildfire….but she surely couldn’t miss it when she woke up. Ever since, the two have been sparring on Twitter…once again for all the world to see.
“You’re really great at making it look like other ppl did something to you! @JoeBudden but we both know that LEGAL documents tell the truth!!,” Esther tweeted upon waking up. “U fucked up…but don’t go around making it seem like it was me…I’m single&NOT pregnant so I can do what I want!Get over it!It’s ur fault! That is all i’m saying…so if it makes you feel better and help you get over how you fucked up with your bullshit! Do it by your damn self!”
Joe didn’t miss a beat and was quick to respond. “Yo @Esther_Baxter … Shut your hoe ass the entire fuck up.. Or don’t @Esthet_Baxter .. But that mouth get too slick & pics of that hoe ass box of yours will be plastered all over this bitch, try me. ”
The battle continued as both parties threatened proof of naked pictures, legal documents and the like. Needless to say, it’s getting crazy! What are your thoughts on this situation???? The song in question is HERE if you want to hear it. Leave a comment and let us know what you’re feeling on this one!!!