So says the “Friday” girl. LOL. It’s tough when you have a hit that big (and that cheesey prompting a lot of nay-sayers) because you’re inevitably going to be pegged as the person behind that song for a long time. Lucky for Rebecca Black, she’s not only extremely talented but she’s also very young so she has many years to outgrow that pesky moniker. “I don’t want to be known as the `Friday’ girl. Hopefully, I can be known as Rebecca Black and not the `Friday’ girl. I want to be a performing artist. That’s what I’ve always wanted to do,” she said in an interview to the AP.

The 13 year old just signed a FIVE ALBUM DEAL…so I’m pretty sure she has plenty of time to outlive the “Friday” song. In the meantime, I’m doing to go listen to it now 🙂
