LiLo’s 480 hours of community service just might be way tougher than her 4 month jail sentence….Hit the jump to find out what Lindsay will have to do for community service and see a sexy pic of LiLo.


Yes, the troubled star is currently free while she appeals her sentence of 120 days in county jail for violating her probation with that alleged purloined necklace. But one thing Los Angeles Judge Stephanie Sautner insisted Lohan get cracking on right away is the 360 hours to be logged helping the homeless at the Downtown Women’s Center and another 120 hours during menial janitorial chores at the L.A. County Coroner’s.

Sautner said she hoped the time spent at the shelter would help Lindsay “see women who are truly needy and might change behavior.”

Although the Downtown Women’s Center is located near L.A.’s Skid Row, the facility is actually a modern and secure building.

Lohan will be able to choose a variety of volunteer opportunities, including sorting through food and clothing donations, cooking meals, answering phones, teaching a garden workshop, going to the local farmer’s market and picking up donated food, and/or working at the front desk.

Per the center’s website, on average 140 women a day drop in to the facility where they can get three meals—breakfast, lunch and a hearty afternoon snack—served seven days a week.

“Women come to use clean, private bathrooms and showers. They rest in day beds, use laundry facilities, make phone calls, secure a mailing address, or get a fresh change of clothes,” states the site.

As for her remaining service, Lohan won’t be acting in a Sixth Sense remake, but she will see dead people.

“She’ll be doing community service, janitorial and maintenance work, mainly cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming, and a little everything. She won’t be touching bodies but she’ll likely see them,” Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter tells E! News.

Those like Lindsay serving community service at coroner’s typically show up around 8 a.m. and leave by 4 p.m., says WInter.

During her stint there, Sautner also hopes the actress will be scared, getting a first-hand look at victims of drunken driving and other fatalities—Lindsay’s probation is from a 2007 DUI and drug case.

Lohan has one year to complete the community service. And while the judge did not halt the community service pending the appeal, Lohan attorney Shawn Holley still has the option of asking the court for a stay. A stay would put off any community service until her appeal has been decided.