According to a new report that surfaced, RiRi has a “seperate” family aside from what we already know, which is her parents and 2 younger brothers. Apparently Ri has three older siblings from her father, each by different mothers, who have never before spoken about growing up with her. She’s even an aunt to 2 nieces! This isn’t news to her, as Rihanna’s known them her whole life…but since it’s just coming out to the public, some people are making a bit of a deal about it. Not that major! Hit the jump for more details on her “secret” family if you want to know more!


(PH) – Here’s what 32 year old sister Kandy had to say about Rihanna:

“Even then, before she was famous, she was really cool.”

“My girls thought she was great fun and now, of course, they love the fact their auntie is one of the most famous singers in the world. They love her music and are always singing her songs at the top of their voices.”

More from Kandy on RiRi:

“I saw her a few times again after that initial meeting but it wasn’t long after that she moved to the States to pursue her singing career and I didn’t really hear much from her again.”

“She’s very busy jetting off all over the world and I have to work long hours so I suppose there hasn’t been much opportunity to talk really. But I’m very proud of what she’s achieved.”

“I’m not jealous of the fame or fortune – I live a simple life out in the country but I’m very happy with what I have.”

RiRi’s other “secret” siblings include 30-year-old Samantha and 27-year-old brother Jamie.

Samantha is married and works as a “policy consultant for Caribbean regional governments,” while Jamie works as a graphic artist.