Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

The New York Yankees received a call from Major League Baseball disciplinarian Joe Garagiola Saturday, reminding them of baseball operations bulletin C-4, which stipulates that team staff cannot replay pitch types and pitch speed to players via hand signals, general manager Brian Cashman told reporters.

However, Cashman called the whole incident “silly” and referred to the blogosphere as “psychotic” in light of a Saturday New York Daily News report, which came out because of a Twitter photo put up by Keith Olbermann. The photo showed Brett Weber, a Yankees baseball operations coaching assistant, “wearing a headset and sitting in the stands behind home plate, holding up four fingers toward the field during Thursday’s opener, presumably signaling pitch speed,” the Daily News report stated.

“Yeah, MLB, Joe Garagiola the disciplinarian called asking about it,” Cashman said. “We explained what went on. The scoreboard went down, so he was relaying with his fingers [speed] to hitters who wanted it; what the velocity was to pitches.”

Cashman said everyone is making too much of nothing, given the circumstances.

“I think [Joe] recognizes the fact that there’s no real advantages here,” Cashman said. “Anytime there is a bulletin out and it explains that you’re not supposed to do that. In the first inning, the scoreboard was reading 912 miles an hour. Normally that stuff’s out there. … I think everyone realizes there’s no advantages here. But there’s a bulletin that says you’re not supposed to do it. I think it’s really silly personally.

“But we provided all information in a truthful and honest way to Joe.”

WRITTEN BY Mike Mazzeo is a regular contributor to & FULL STORY HERE