You got questions about this Mega Mobile Merger, If your an AT&T Customer, you want to know is can this pricing come down for this half ass service? And if your a Tmobile Customer’s want to know, Can they Get an iPhone? See Details.
This is a statement Tmobile in it’s FAQ’s
“T-Mobile USA remains an independent company. The acquisition is expected to be completed in approximately 12 months. We do not offer the iPhone. We offer cutting edge devices like the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and coming soon our new Sidekick 4G.”
So A year to see if things can turn around, can these two Ass Networks can put a pair of pants on, but for now, No i Phone at Tmobile, and no changes in AT&T Pricing(and probably Won’t even after the full merge), But I heard the term “Grandfathered In” Floating around!!