In today’s world it’s very simple for people to change your personal information. We’ve all heard about the websites that steal people’s information from social media sites such as Facebook. According to Howard Steven Friedman over at the Huffington Post, there are 6 easy thing you can do to protect yourself from someone getting your information check them out after the jump


1. Don’t provide information that you don’t want to have shared with the universe. Simply put, anything you put online is easily transmitted and generally accessible. Be especially cautious about providing personal information that can be used by identity fraudsters. Beyond personal information, before posting videos and photos, ask yourself if you are comfortable with your entire family, current and future employers, friends and complete strangers viewing this material since, in all likelihood, there’s a good chance that it will eventually become available for public viewing.

2. If you plan to use Facebook for gaming or for business purposes, create a separate account. This way your friends and family are not going to get mixed in with the thousands of strangers you only know through Farmville or from your e-commerce activities

3. Don’t become Facebook friends with total strangers.

4. Adjust your privacy settings. Be aware that the default settings allow for more sharing than many people would like. Because of constant updates to Facebook, you should check these settings at least once a month.

5. Be very suspicious of applications. They request access to your personal information and you don’t know what they will do with that information. It’s the equivalent of opening your house to a stranger and then announcing “I’ll be back in a little while, do whatever you want.”

6. Don’t use the same passwords for your Facebook account as your other accounts (e-mail, bank).