This economy is tough as it is, but there are certain places you should avoid looking for work if possible because they make it even tougher! put together the followign list of America’s hardest cities for finding a job using data collected from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The numbers were determined by calculating the number of job postings per thousand people in each major U.S. metropolitan area. Did your city make the list?


9./10. Pittsburgh and Kansas City (tie) – 18 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010.

7./8. Virginia Beach and LA (tie) – 17 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010.

5./6. Riverside, CA and Louisville, KY (tie) – 16 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010

4. Miami – 14 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010

2./3. Rochester, NY and Buffalo, NY (tie) – 11 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010

1. New Orleans – 10 job postings per 1,000 population between October and December 2010