A high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania separates its black students from the rest of the school to try to help them improve academically. The split is further separated into black males and black females. Is this segregation taking black people back to Jim Crow days? Check the video after the jump and you decide.
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(CNN) – A high school has defended its decision to segregate students by race and gender.
The scheme, at McCaskey East High School in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, separates black students from the rest of the school pupils, and then further breaks it down into black females and black males.
The separation is only for a short period – six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month – but it has drawn criticism for raising the spectre of racial segregation.
Bill Jimenez said the school noticed that black students were not performing as well as other students, and that research had shown that same-race classes with strong same-race role models led to better academic results.