Come Christmas time, you’ll be able to fill stockings with the Video Racer, which, as its name suggests, adds a tiny camera to the front of your favorite little micro-sized motorer. Even cooler is the itty-bitty LCD screen you see when you flip to the bottom of the car, where you can then watch up to 12 minutes of recorded footage.
You can also use a USB connection to hook the Video Racer to your computer, and the little cars come equipped with attachments that allow them to be worn on the wrist (for covert spy work?), helmet, bicycle, skateboard or anything else that suits your fancy.
For $59.99 (we’ll let you be the judges on the value proposition), you’ll be able to purchase one of these little jewels this fall, and that price includes video editing software that works on Windows-powered PCs. Well done, Mattel.