During yesterday night’s episode of American Idol we met 26-year-old musician Chris Medina, whose tragic tale nearly brought the panelists to tears. Two years ago, Medina proposed to his girlfriend of eight years, Juliana Ramos. A short time later, however, she was in a car accident that left her with a traumatic brain injury and in a coma from which doctors didn’t think she’d wake from. She did, though, and Medina has stood by her side, helping to take care of his love and wearing her engagement ring on a chain around his neck. In front of the “Idol” judges, he sang “Breakeven” by the Script, an emotional song with lyrics about heartbreak that includes the lines “Well I’m still alive but I’m barely breathing/ I pray to a God that I don’t believe in … when a heart breaks, no, it don’t break even … I’m fallin’ to pieces.” Hit the jump to see the video.
