Photo Courtesy: RU

Everyone’s favorite stoner took to U-Stream last night to let fans know the answers to some questions they’ve been asking since the success of Kush & Orange Juice….when’s the album coming and what’s it called?!

Well wonder no more! “Rolling Papers” will be the name of the upcoming CD (how fitting LOL) and the official Atlantic Records release date is March 29th! Just a little over 2 months from now! he also showed off some interesting dye in his hair o_0 he looks….crazy. LOL!! It works for him though. Hit the jump to find out why he named the album what he did.


“It’s an appropriate title. It’s called Rolling Papers, like the papers that you roll, the papers that I roll, the papers that we smoke. But it’s deeper than that too. I thought of this before I even started recording the album and before it was a full idea. It’s not just about the weed thing. It’s bigger than that. My career really took off when I started smoking papers. The second reason I called it Rolling Papers is when I left Warner Bros. [Records], I sort of got my ‘rolling papers.’ I got my contract, fu**ing rolled up and smoked. And I was able to walk and I was able to leave and I was able to do my thing and I was able to capitalize off that. So that’s another pair of papers that I really needed in my life. The third reason why I named it Rolling Papers, I quit writing a long time ago. I stopped physically writing it down or putting it in my BlackBerry or iPhone. I write notes down, but I don’t write whole verses, so it was like saying goodbye to the paper. The paper’s rolling out too. So everything is real natural. The first thing that came to my head is how I really, really feel. I feel like this is my most natural sound. I paid the most attention to this shit when I did it. I was real focused. I was real keyed in on this shit when I was working on it and I didn’t use any paper, except for [the rolling papers].”