You Need To know about Nintendo’s “Pass” network technologies, SpotPass and StreetPass….see Details.

SpotPass is Nintendo’s new background WiFi hotspot locator, ‘Spotting’ connectivity even while the device is asleep, in an attempt to download updates automatically. It’s yet to be seen that this will be useful for the teens, since we know that the younger kids will not need this at all.

StreetPass, ‘pass’ively exchanging Mii profiles as people pass by each other on the street, but that’s just the beginning. Nintendo 3DS games such as Capcom’s Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition can, with the owners’ permissions, create entire battles, crown victors, and deliver rewards all without any intervention from the players. If You can’t imagine how big this is, think about if this were in Cell Phones, we’d have Cellular Dating!!!