Posted by Sabrina B. @gametimegirl

Judging by the comments coming on the current post about Brett Favre being sued for sexual harassment, not everyone views the Old Gunslinger in a favorable light. (Of course, that could have been said a while ago, but you get the point.)

But has his reputation actually been tarnished? That’s a legitimate question, and it’s one Kurt Warner answered on the NFL Network recently.
“I think he did [tarnish his legacy],”Warner said on NFL Network (video here). “Not only this season, but the last few seasons, going back and forth [on retirement] and bouncing to a few different teams. I think about it, and I have to really think hard to think back to when he was a Green Bay Packer and when he played his best football and was in Super Bowls and when he became the Brett Favre we all know.

Written by Will Brinson & Full story here