Michelle Marie Gopaul, once an aspiring actress and singer, is now facing child abduction charges and being held without bail. Girl is cray-cray. She told her friends she was pregnant and even went so far as to make a registry for baby gifts…even though she was no where near preggo! So to compensate…she stole a one month old child! Hit the jump for the story. SMH!
(PH) – Last Thursday night in Toronto, she placed ads for an infant to star in a Bollywood movie and offered $7,500 to find a baby girl “of Indian background.”
Viral and Sejal Patel decided to bring their daughter Roma. The actress loved the child and asked to take her to a private room to see how she reacted to strangers. Then, she sneaked out a back door and hopped in a cab with the baby.
“It’s a girl!! I can’t wait until my little pincess [sic] Valentina arrives!!” boasted Gopaul online.
After a four-hour search, the baby was found. Gopaul was arrested and charged with child abduction. She is being held without bail.